IT之家 3 月 13 日消息,科技媒体 NeoWin 昨日(3 月 12 日)发布博文,报道称 Stardock 宣布其 Windows 10 、 Windows 11 桌面管理软件 Fences 下载量突破 2000 万次的同时, 推出全新的 Fences 6 测试版。
3月13日消息,日前某科技媒体发布了一篇关于桌面管理工具Fences的报道。据报道,Stardock公司宣布其针对Windows10和Windows11开发的桌面管理软件Fences下载量已突破2000万次,并正式推出全新的Fences6测试版。报道 ...
目前,Fences 6测试版已经正式上线,并推出了限时优惠活动。起售价仅为8.99美元(约合65.1元人民币),对于想要体验这一全新版本的用户来说,无疑是一个难得的机会。Fences 6还被纳入了Object ...
Stardock总经理Brad Sams表示,Fences 6不仅适合个人用户,更可满足企业级生产力需求。测试版现已上线,起售价8.99美元,同时包含在Object Desktop套装中。
在数码工具不断革新的今天,桌面管理软件逐渐成为现代办公环境中的重要组成部分。Stardock公司在其桌面管理工具Fences 6的最新测试版发布中,展示了对高效工作流的重视和技术革新,吸引了用户和市场的广泛关注。随着工作方式的多样化,特别是在家庭和远程办公之间的转换,人们对桌面管理的需求愈发明显,功能全面、操作简便的工具成为了工作效率提升的重要保障。 Fences品牌自推出以来,一直在桌面管理领域 ...
Stardock today announced a beta version of Fences 6, a major update to the Windows desktop organizer that adds tabs and other ...
Stardock released its first Fences® 6 beta today – a major update to its popular Windows desktop organization software with over 20 million downloads. Fences is the easiest way to organize your ...
Stardock has released the first Fences 6 beta, bringing all-new capabilities to organize your desktop, plus official support ...
PLYMOUTH, Mich., March 7, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Stardock released its first Fences® 6 beta today – a major update to its popular Windows desktop organization software with over 20 million downloads.
Stardock has released the latest version of Fences 5, its popular Windows desktop organizing program. The new version is Fences 5.80 and it does have a couple of new features to check out.