Dubai: Tenants in Dubai will have to be notified 'at least' 90 days in advance by the landlord about any rent increase they are planning for a renewed contract. If this is not followed ...
Landlords in Dubai must provide a 90-day notice period of their intention to raise annual rental charges under the updated property index launched last month, authorities said on Sunday.
Well, Dubai landlords are obliged to give you a 90-day notice before increasing your rent, following the launch of the city’s new Smart Dubai Rental Index. This move is designed to bring more ...
The Dubai Land Department (DLD) has revealed that landlords must notify tenants 90 days before contract expiration for any rent increases, which must be validated by the new Smart Rental Index. The ...
The implementation of the Smart Rent Index by Dubai Land Department (DLD) has been instrumental in stabilising rental ... Rent Increases This mechanism stipulates that if a landlord notifies the ...