When it comes to fat-washing bourbon, sometimes the ingredients hiding in plain sight can make for some of the most ...
D isco fries are a beloved diner classic, but this version from recipe developer Jessica Morone takes things to a whole new ...
Once opened, keep in the fridge. If strained through muslin into sterilised jars, home-produced duck fat will keep for up to six months. Duck fat freezes well and lasts many months. A good tip is ...
Fluffy inside, crunchy outside, these roast potatoes are a perfect sidekick to any roast dinner. (They're even better the next day, eaten straight from the fridge!) Read our guide for more insight ...
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. To prepare the duck, remove the giblets, neck, and liver from the body cavity. Discard any fat that can be readily removed. Wash the duck, pat dry, and ...
You can buy duck fat from good butchers and delis, but if you don't want to use this, substitute olive oil. But it won't be nearly as good, I promise you.
The following recipe is from “Duck.” You can purchase this book from ... my friend Marilee Gilman slaughter and process about 24 fat ducks. Marilee and her husband, Charlie, have a beautiful ...
Combine the salt, wine, duck fat, shallots, garlic, and thyme in a bowl. Rub two-thirds of the mixture all over the exterior of the turkey using your hands; rub the remaining third in the cavity ...
Set another large tinfoil pan on the opposite side from the coals, return the grate to the grill, and set the duck away from the heat over the large tinfoil pan to catch the fat. Cover the grill ...
When accumulated fat reaches a depth of ¼ inch, pour it off into a heatproof container. Flip duck and increase heat to medium. Sear meat side until interior is cooked medium-rare or medium ...
Mock duck has a meaty flavor but made with vegetarian ingredients, as the name suggests. Usually its made with soya but the one used in this recipe is made with wheat protien. It is a low fat, high ...