The East India Company changed the way we dress… Um it changed the way we eat - it changed the way we socialise. Dan: And, by accident, created one of the most powerful empires in history.
as well as an overview of his character and his actions in expanding the East India Company’s influence. This short film will be relevant for teaching KS3 history in England, Wales and Northern ...
As he sailed down the Coromandel coast from Machilipatnam looking for a place to set up a factory and perhaps a future settlement for the East India Company, Day was clear that among the factors ...
Here Gandhi was building on a reading of colonial power that he first articulated in Hind Swaraj in 1909. One of the most ...
He soon acquired a reputation as a successful speculator – winning bets based on his gaining early intelligence of the Peace of Paris in 1763, and when East India Company stock soared in 1764-1765.
The Courtauld Institute & Tate are inviting applications for an AHRC doctoral studentship studying Imperial Intimacies: Portraiture and the East India Company, c.1757–1857.
Robert Clive had joined the East India Company as a clerk in 1744 ... As an important part of the Gangetic heartland with its long history, Bihar had attracted many foreign travellers, explorers ...