In 2025 Lent ends on April 17, known as Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday, the day before Good Friday. This year, Easter falls on April 20.
The season lasts for 40 days, ending during Holy Week, the final week before Easter. In the Roman Catholic Church, Lent ends on Holy Thursday, or April 17, 2025. For Protestant denominations, the last ...
Lent is one of the five seasons of the Catholic liturgical calendar which precedes Easter. It is observed by Catholics, Protestants, Lutherans and other denominations. Lent is a 40-day observance ...
The observance marks the first day of Lent, one of five key periods on the Catholic liturgical calendar, along with Advent, Christmas, Easter, and Ordinary Time. Lent, the 40-day season of ...
Holy Week is observed the week before Easter, it's known as the most sacred week of the liturgical calendar. It is a time for recommittal and prayer to God with solemn observances. Palm Sunday ...
Alvarinho J. LuisLent is one of the five seasons in the Catholic liturgical calendar, along with Advent, Christmas, Easter and Ordinary Time. It precedes Easter ...