A look into the relationship that artifice has with authenticity-obsessed blues and why someone like Jack White doesn't chime ...
Eric Clapton was already heading towards stardom as a guitarist, but it wasn't until he got the right songs under his fingers ...
在这个特别的时机,老潘和黄老师宣布于3月5日晚在12空间举行一场极简的Eric Clapton致敬专场。这场演出将以Bass和Guitar的简约配乐呈现,尽管舞台规模不大,却承载着极大的情感和对Clapton的热爱。
在这个音乐狂热的季节,Eric Clapton的粉丝们聚集在了一起,准备为这位传奇音乐家献上一场精彩的致敬演出。随着Clapton80岁生日的临近,大家怀着无比激动的心情,期盼着他即将在东京举办的生日演唱会。然而,关于他将不再演唱经典曲目《Layla》和《Wonderful Tonight》的传闻浮出水面,这让许多粉丝感到不安。此时,作为Clapton的铁杆粉丝,老潘决定行动起来,举办一场小型的致 ...
Eric Clapton pathed the way for a lot of musicians including Led Zeppelin, however, he didn't much like the path they followed.
A journey through Eric Clapton's performing life at the BBC and elsewhere, from his 60s blues days to his noughties blues ...
You can also get tickets to Eric Clapton’s tour through SeatGeek, TicketNetwork and Viagogo. Currently, the cheapest ticket ...
Among Eric Clapton’s prized possessions is a 1938 Cadillac Fleetwood, a true symbol of luxury and craftsmanship from the ...
Eric Clapton always professed his wish to be the part of an outstanding rock ensemble, in large part because he never felt at ease playing the role of the guy out in the spotlight. The ironic thing is ...