Dozens of bird eggs and chicks have been rescued from a single wind-damaged eucalyptus tree that was dangerously close to ...
As the fires that ravaged Los Angeles in January ebbed, many trees were left standing next to burnt down homes. Here’s why.
A slew of various agencies and nonprofits worked together to ensure the safety of over 60 cormorant chicks and eggs after ...
The eucalyptus trees were planted ornamentally by the land’s previous owner, said McCauley. They are considered invasive and ...
Dozens of bird eggs and chicks were rescued from a wind-damaged eucalyptus tree in a California park. Staff at the ...
Eucalyptus trees have high water consumption, pose increased fire hazards (as seen during the recent L.A. fires), displace native forests, and have negative impacts on local wildlife and plant ...
The sea birds will be released when their flight feathers grow and they can feed themselves — in about three months, care center officials said.
JEMPOL: Rapid-growing tree species like batai and eucalyptus will be encouraged in “community plantations” to ensure timber sustainability and a constant source of income for the B40 group.
The court recently permitted the commencement of road construction for the dualling of the Muthaiga-Kiambu-Ndumberi Road (B3) ...