President Roosevelt’s purpose was to wake up Congress ... But in his Jan. 6, 1941, speech to Congress, he made the case that the United States needed to get involved, at least by providing ...
President Joe Biden delivers a farewell address to the nation in the Oval ... this one took liberties with the actual history: Franklin D. Roosevelt inaugurated a long free-trade era and opposed ...
On March 1, 1945, FDR gave a speech to Congress on the glorious results of Yalta. His final spiel on Capitol Hill was one of the biggest cons of his career. A few weeks earlier, in the final ...
Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s first inaugural address and “Four Freedoms” State of the Union speech and John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address. Lincoln’s first inaugural address was an all ...
President Roosevelt is worried over the condition ... the President is planning to send a special message to Congress dealing with the necessity for improving the conditions of life in the country.
FDR’s famous ‘infamy’ speech is all about optimism ... He acknowledges that the decision he asks of Congress is a “fearful thing.” He is explicit about the fact that America will ...
The commission issued several reports over the next few years. Roosevelt released them to the press and sent them to Congress with recommendations for action. During a press conference in March ...
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6, 1941 (UP) -- The new Congress met in joint ... The prelude to today's address was given a week ago last night when President Roosevelt in a radio talk declared his intention ...
Congress passes the Eighteenth ... July 17: Eleanor makes an impromptu speech at the Democratic National Convention which helps FDR to win an unprecedented third term in office.