Each light source is controlled via an Arduino which takes its direction from [Marou’s] infrared remote. While the idea isn’t new, the implementation is pretty cool. At first we were expecting ...
This article examines the impending generational shift in connection technology toward fiber optic systems and the new ...
Since its founding in 1989, Fiberoptic Components LLC has grown into one of the world's leading manufacturers of OEM fiber optic light guides, cables and subassemblies. We believe this is the result ...
[Garrett] over at MaceTech was approached by a friend who needed a light-up mohawk installed ... but finding the fiber optics that would make up the mohawk itself took a bit of time.
OElabs specialized in developing and manufacturing fiber optics components and equipment and laser system, which ranges from Optics, Fibers, Light source, Light ...
Though he received degrees from the University of Michigan and returned as a professor, Stephen Forrest’s path began at a ...
The researchers managed quantum teleportation over a 30.2km fiber optic cable carrying 400 Gbps ... However, this does not allow for FTL (Faster Than Light) communication in line with the no ...