Explore some of the primary financial risk ratios that investors and analysts commonly use to evaluate a company's overall ...
The goal of this theme is to raise awareness among the young generation about the various influential factors in financial decision-making ...
As more organizations shift from GRC to automated, continuous cyber risk management, businesses must take a strategic ...
Advance your analytical skills and gain the insights and tools necessary to make transformative changes and lasting organisational impact. Identify risks and mitigation strategies ... microprudential ...
Financial risk exposures can be categorised into three areas: interest rate risk, foreign exchange risk and commodity price risk. The focus will be on the methods of identifying and measuring the ...
Teekay Tankers (TNK) has disclosed a new risk, in the Demand category. Teekay Tankers faces a notable business risk due to its reliance on a ...
With that in mind, The Journal of Operational Risk welcomes papers on non-financial risks as well as topics including, but not limited to, the following. Journal Impact Factor: 0.4 5-Year Impact ...