Flash droughts damage agriculture, affecting corn, soybeans, wheat, fruit trees ... is becoming all too common across the Midwest as drought grips the region with astonishing speed.
With uncertainty surrounding government wheat procurement, Pakistani farmers reduced their plantings by 3% for the 2025-26 ...
National Weather Service (NWS) meteorologists have announced that a "flash drought" is present in Kansas and Oklahoma just as a hazardous weather outlook was implemented for the area. The flash ...
He says the variation in winter wheat crop conditions across even his own county is proof about how variable drought conditions are across the state. “There was a lot of wheat that went in after ...
Watch the latest AgDay weather forecast: Drought is emerging in new areas, reports Matt Yarosewick, AgDay meteorologist. “We’re watching for the possibility of a flash drought, which means ...
Prices are higher than last August amid the Russian drought. Wheat is just one of many farm commodity prices set to enjoy strong prices in 2011 as global supplies are crunched and countries try to ...