Also known as hummingbird mint or anise hyssop, this stunning perennial is part of the mint family, making it fragrant and unappealing to pests like deer and rabbits. Its spiky flowers bloom from ...
Want to welcome an abundance of bees and butterflies to your garden this summer? Garden experts have revealed that planting agastache is the one thing you should do to encourage bees and butterflies ...
Say the word “butterfly” to any younger Generation Xer, millennial, or older Zoomer, and any number of songs may immediately ...
Even small gardens in built-up areas can support a great variety of butterflies if they contain the right plants. In the heart of London, the Museum's Wildlife Garden has recorded 23 species of ...
Recommended Varieties: Lance-leaf coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata) is an easy-to-grow variety that’s native to most of the ...
the perfect day to bask in the sunlight and plant flowers that will help pollinators like the endangered eastern monarch butterfly. The sun is out, the birds are chirping, temperatures are heating ...