The GTA series excels with its captivating radio stations, enhancing the gaming experience. Notably, Vice City captures the '80s vibe, San Andreas ref ...
Rockstar Games最近搞了个大动作,宣布收购了与其合作10年的澳大利亚悉尼游戏工作室Video Games Deluxe,并将其并入旗下的“Rockstar Australia”。 这次收购不仅让Rockstar的全球开发团队更加强大,还顺便秀了一把《GTA》(侠盗猎车手,Grand Theft Auto)系列的惊人成绩。
You might be entitled to up to $3 million of in-game currency within GTA Online, although there are some awkward caveats.
GTA 5 Enhanced is right up there with Cyberpunk 2077's Night City when it comes to extending ray tracing from a graphical ...
GTA 5 on PC is getting updated to match the PS5 and Xbox Series version of the game, with better graphics and more content.
刚刚,R星正式宣布收购了《GTA:三部曲-终极版》手游版背后的开发商Video Games Deluxe,该工作室由R星前员工Brendan McNamara建立,位于澳大利亚悉尼,他曾主导开发了《黑色洛城》等游戏。在收购后,R星将其重命名为Rockstar Australia。 Video Games Deluxe曾和R星合作开发过多款游戏,包括2017年重新发行的《黑色洛城 ...
GTA publisher Take-Two is suing PlayerAuctions, a third-party asset marketplace that allows people to buy and sell GTA Online ...
and extra vehicles is now the worst-rated Rockstar game in Steam history. Grand Theft Auto 4. LA Noire. The much-unloved GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition, with the remasters of San Andreas and Vice ...
will properly introduce you to this next game when it is ready”. At the very least, Rockstar has been developing GTA 6 since the community update on February 4, 2022, when Rockstar confirmed ...