据多方消息,苹果计划在明年推出其首款可折叠iPhone手机,目标直指三星2026年即将发布的书本式折叠手机——Galaxy Z Fold 8。在价格上,这两款手机可能存在颇多相似之处,而这让许多消费者在购机时面临艰难选择。巴克莱银行的董事总经理蒂姆·朗指出,苹果可折叠iPhone的预计售价将高达2299美元。而与之对比,三星最新的Galaxy Z Fold 6售价为1899美元,未来的Z Fold ...
快科技3月14日消息,据外媒爆料,三星即将发布的Galaxy Z Fold 7折叠屏手机将迎来影像系统的重大升级。 据称,三星Galaxy Z Fold 7将配备与S25 Ultra同款的2亿像素主摄传感器,即搭载三星S5KHP2这枚CMOS,拥有1 ...
感谢网友提供的线索。近日,三星的两款新机型通过了国家3C质量认证,型号分别为SM-F7660和SM-F9660,对应的是三星GalaxyZFlip7和GalaxyZFold7。这两款设备均支持25W充电功率,并且延续了三星近期产品的惯例,不随附充 ...
Samsung sale days are here once again with some exemplary discounts on the newly launched flagship smartphones and other ...
We covered a list of a bunch of upcoming flagship smartphones that are set to launch soon. So now, here’s a list of new ...
3 月 13 日消息,荷兰科技媒体 Galaxy Club 昨日(3 月 12 日)发布博文,报道称三星 Galaxy Z Fold7 将搭载 Galaxy S25 Ultra 同款 2 亿像素主摄 ... (包含摄像头凸起)/ 9.0 ...
在技术日新月异的智能设备行业,折叠屏手机以其独特的设计逐渐走入消费者的视野。近期,外媒爆料了三星Galaxy Z Fold 7的最新消息,让人对这款即将发布的折叠屏手机充满期待。据了解,新款Galaxy Z Fold 7将配备与S25 Ultra相同的2亿像素主摄传感器,搭载了三星S5KHP2图像传感器。该传感器配备1/1.3英寸的感光单元,绝对是手机摄影的一场革命,将为用户带来全新的摄影体验。
That 200MP primary camera is apparently going to be borrowed from the Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra, and would be a major bump ...
Samsung’s Galaxy S25 series has now been around for a couple of months, and its most recent additions to its were also introduced just before Mobile World Congress at the beginning of March. That ...
That 200MP primary camera is apparently going to be borrowed from the Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra, and would be a ... model – see our Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 review for the details.