(3-5 semiconductor) A III-V semiconductor is a compound such as gallium and nitride (GaN) or gallium and arsenide (GaAs). Gallium has three (III) valence electrons, while nitride and arsenide have ...
(Nasdaq: NVTS), the industry leader in next-generation GaNFast gallium nitride (GaN) and GeneSiC silicon carbide (SiC) power semiconductors, today announced its adoption of both technologies into ...
In addition, TrendForce also notes that, foundries have made progresses on the development of third-generation semiconductors. VIS has become the first foundry in the world to provide foundry service ...
Navitas Semiconductor, a developer of next-generation GaNFast gallium nitride (GaN) and GeneSiC silicon carbide (SiC) power semiconductors, has announced the adoption of both technologies into Dell’s ...
The hybrid integration of GaN and silicon paves the way for high-efficiency, cost-effective 5G and millimetre-wave RF systems that provide a cutting-edge power density and scalability.
China’s space programme is a step closer to securing more efficient and lightweight energy supplies after extensive testing of a new power switch and converter device built with third-generation ...
Power Diamond Systems (PDS), which conducts research and development of next-generation power devices and high-frequency devices, announced on the 17th that it has raised approximately 100 million ...
One of the firm's ETFs with the investment theme of next-generation internet outperformed broad-based global equity indices ...