And he surely did. At a private gathering of the family, Gene Scalia, the eldest son, spoke the simple truth: that if we count the “achievements” of Antonin Scalia, the children gathered there ...
I’m left, however, with a different immediate thought: about the late Justice Antonin Scalia, and the French proverb that every revolution devours its own children. Scalia, more than anyone else ...
WASHINGTON (JTA) – “When there was no Jewish justice on the Supreme Court,” Antonin “Nino” Scalia told me, “I considered myself the Jewish justice.” After Abe Fortas resigned in May ...
Trump's polarizing sense of humor was on display again when he made a joke about the sex life of the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Dave Quinn is a Senior Editor for PEOPLE. He has been ...
In these politically divided times, it’s hard to imagine how people of very different perspectives can still be friends, but ...
‘Enough to field a baseball team.” That was the late Justice Antonin Scalia’s response when asked how many children he had. And he and his wife Maureen’s nine children have themselves ...
WASHINGTON — Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia says the Constitution’s right to bear arms isn’t absolute and could be changed in the future. Scalia, a card-carrying conservative and ...
Tim Walz Is None of the Things They Said He Was The Left Doesn’t Want to Moderate on Transgenderism The American Academy of Pediatrics Is Still Compromised by DEI Antonin Scalia, who combined a ...
Lesley Stahl of 60 Minutes interviews Justice Antonin Scalia about his public and private life. Justice Scalia died February 13 at the age of seventy-nine (Original air date: April 27, 2008) ABOUT ...
A Better Voice of America, or No Voice of America at All? Guttmacher Opposes State Abortion Reporting Requirements At Last, the Medical Establishment’s Support for ‘Gender Affirming Care ...