Google Workspace 用户获得了一项由 Google Gemini AI 支持的全新便捷 Gmail 功能。从本周一开始,用户可以直接从电子邮件中将事件添加到 Google Calendar。 Google ...
Google Docs, Drive, Gmail, and other Workspace apps have a handy side panel where you can use Google’s Gemini AI assistant.
While both platforms provide essential tools such as screen sharing, chat, and breakout rooms, Zoom typically offers a ...
When it comes to email services, Outlook and Gmail stand out as the top dominant contenders, each offering unique features ...
Google has introduced an update to Gmail that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance email search functionality. With ...
在科技界持续创新的浪潮中,Google再次引领潮流,推出了一项令人振奋的新功能——Gmail中的AI按键,它借助强大的Gemini AI,能够依据邮件内容自动将事件添加至Google日历。这一便捷的功能能够在用户收到含有事件信息的邮件时,瞬间展示一个名为“添加到日历”的新按钮,便于快速启动交互。
A nifty new Gmail capability powered by Google's Gemini AI has arrived for Google Workspace customers. Starting Monday, users ...
当 Gemini 识别到邮件中描述的事件时,会显示一个新的"添加到日历"按钮来启动交互。点击该按钮后,Gemini 提示侧边栏将会打开,确认事件已添加,根据 Google ...