That scar is an artifact of a process called grafting, or fusing two separate pieces of wood into a new tree. From citrus to ...
If the new growth only occurs from the base of the trunk below the graft union, that is the rootstock sprouting. The rootstock is not the citrus you want to grow. If a tree only sprouts from the ...
Understock also is known as rootstock. Grafting involves joining two different individuals. These individuals have to be closely related. For example, citrus can be grafted to other types of ...
like citrus, apples, and pears, are grafted. This means one species of fruit tree has been attached to the root stock of another. The tree variety –- Meyer lemon, Fuji apple, etc.
From citrus to peaches ... sharp and can be dangerous. Getting grafting right takes skill and patience. Time and money must be invested in growing rootstock and scion wood trees, and not all ...