众所周知,显卡的选择对游戏体验至关重要。在此次测试中,显然AMD的Radeon GPU在Windows 10和Bazzite上的表现可谓旗鼓相当,无论是帧率还是画质都没有显著差距。然而,英伟达的RTX 4090显卡却在Bazzite上遭遇了不小的挑战。在播放《赛博朋克2077》时,1440p和4K分辨率下的表现都出现了明显下降,相较于它在Windows ...
Thus, today we will be showing you how to enable the HDR functionality on ICC-enabled apps in Windows 11/10 – which will be available in the stable versions soon. What is HDR? Why you may need it?
1 月 31 日消息,科技媒体 bleepingcomputer 昨日(1 月 30 日)发布博文,报道称微软已修复 Auto HDR 功能,并解除了受影响设备的 Windows 11 24H2 更新升级限制。 这个问题最早可以追溯到 2024 年 ...
Microsoft started to roll out the KB5050094 update for Windows 11 24H2 with many fixes and improvements for the OS. Here's ...
HDR in Windows is there to make your wish possible ... Anand Khanse is the Admin of TheWindowsClub.com, a 10-year Microsoft MVP (2006-16) & a Windows Insider MVP (2016-2022).
Back in December, Microsoft released an update for Windows 11 24H2 that caused issues with Auto HDR, resulting in unexpected behavior ranging from incorrect colors to flat-out system crashes.