A big whoop
I recently had Whooping Cough. It is terrible. You may have it, and don’t know it for several days. Or you may think you have ...
The patient’s own doctors couldn’t agree on a cause. One said asthma. Another implicated her age, then 71. A third blamed ...
When figuring out whether your cough is due to asthma or not, it may be helpful to assess any other related symptoms you have. With asthma, a cough can be troublesome, especially at nighttime.
Dr. Duffy says asthma, reflux, post-nasal drip, and drugs like ACE inhibitors for blood pressure, cause the most coughs. GERD, or reflux, can cause coughing, although coughing can also cause GERD.
Really one of the distinguishing features is that it lasts a lot longer. So if you have a cough that's lasting for more than two weeks, that would be a sign that you need to see a healthcare ...
Many of Georgia’s most deadly respiratory diseases have declined over the past few weeks, but others like whooping cough appear to still be broadly circulating.
Bagdasarian also recommends ensuring kids take in a lot of fluids and said over the counter medicines like Tylenol and ...
Whooping cough has seen a dramatic rise across the U.S. as well as Allegheny County where cases have spiked by 47,000%.
“It’s not uncommon to have them getting blue nails, face and hands just from lack of oxygen, because the cough can be so prolonged,” he said. Experts say the return to pre-pandemic behaviors ...
American Leadership Academy charter school in Johnston County also notified families recently that someone on campus may have had whooping cough. "This is not unique to our campus, there is ...
Your cough can taste bad for many reasons. When a metallic taste is paired with coughing, you may have an upper respiratory infection like a cold. This can cause your phlegm to contain traces of ...