如今开学季已至,大学生们也纷纷开始寻觅既能满足日常学习需求又能彰显个性的手机。而纵观市场上各类产品,要说口碑和实力俱佳,而且性价比还不错的手机,华为nova 13系列与华为nova Flip一定榜上有名。华为nova 13系列自开售以来就凭借“颜值香 ...
Surprised or disgusted by my take? Hear me out. I have one very good reason why the Infinix tri-fold is more exciting than ...
A report has suggested the Huawei Pocket 3 is in the works and it will offer a different internal display to the norm.
华为 HUAWEI nova Flip 折叠屏手机,闪耀问世!这款手机不仅拥有旗舰级的性能,还配备了最新的折叠屏设计,为用户带来前所未有的使用体验。优惠活动进行中,此款商品原价5088元,现仅需3988元即可入手! 华为 HUAWEI nova Flip 是一款非常出色的折叠屏手机。
在处理器方面,小米MIX Flip 2搭载的骁龙8至尊版无疑是其核心亮点。骁龙8至尊版是当前高端智能手机中最领先的移动平台之一,其在处理速度、能效比和AI能力上超过了上一代产品。依据高通公司数据,骁龙8至尊版的CPU性能提升了25%,GPU性能也提升了20%,相较同类产品表现尤为突出。同时,该芯片设计将采用更先进的4nm工艺,在能耗控制和发热方面表现优异,进一步提升了手机的续航能力。
Infinix has shown off a new concept phone at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, displaying an innovative twist on the ...
HUAWEI is showing off a futuristic smartphone that folds up in THREE parts – rather than the usual two. It means that the ...
We'll see the debut of Huawei's next-generation foldable phone. Huawei confirmed its Pura Pioneer Festival event for next week, March 20. The event ...
Is Huawei planning to ship Linux on its upcoming MateBook laptops instead of HarmonyOS NEXT? A fresh leak out of China this ...