Human Resources Staff Development offers a wide array of learning opportunities, programs and other resources that support employees in their efforts to develop professionally and enhance their skills ...
CONTINUING a cherished tradition, Human Resources Ministry marked Ramadan by distributing dates to its staff as a token of ...
Human Resources supports all faculty, staff and students at Michigan Tech University by anticipating and meeting the needs of a changing community to attract, sustain, and inspire excellence.
Use the manual to learn more about staff hiring. Use the resources below for step-by-step processes, training resources and more. This instructor-led course provides an overview and hands-on ...
You are receiving this email because you are a current classified employee. All eligible classified employees should have received an initial placement notification from the Department of Personnel ...
The Human Resources Office staff receives a high volume of emails and phone calls, especially early in the semester. Initial responses require at least 24 to 48 hours. If you have an urgent matter ...
Also, if selected as a finalist for the position, you must interview with a member of the Human Resources staff before the recruitment process can be finalized. The interview will allow for an ...