That’s fine, because these “iCar” concepts from ClickMechanic are so cool — and utterly insane — that no actual Apple car could possibly compete with them. Feast your eyes on five ...
日前,官方宣布iCAR首席产品官苏峻正式出任奇瑞汽车股份有限公司副总裁、iCAR 品牌事业部总经理,全面掌管iCAR品牌事业部,成为了该品牌的一把手 ...
Being able to control the supply chain in China is a key to the rapid success of Xiaomi.
来自官方的信息显示,为加速推进公司新能源项目,原奇瑞新能源首席产品规划官苏峻,升任奇瑞汽车股份有限公司副总裁、iCAR品牌事业部总经理 ...
but it has been reported that the Apple car would arrive by 2020 and Bernstein admits that “the idea of an Apple iCar is not totally outlandish.” More importantly, when the company focuses on ...
Rumors are surfacing again that Apple is looking to take on everyone from BMW to Tesla with its own car. According to a recent report from Reuters, the tech giant is hiring automotive technology ...
Even though Apple's long-rumored car supposedly only works on about 5% of the nation's roads, that shouldn't concern most drivers, since they hardly ever drive on the other 95% anyway. Tags terms: ...
“Steve Jobs, if he had lived, was gonna design an iCar,” J. Crew Group CEO and Apple board member Mickey Drexler told Paul Goldberger. “I think cars have an extraordinary opportunity for ...
来自MSN18 天
全新iCAR V23电动版上市,以智能豪华重新定义绿色出行诞生于一个追求极致速度与激情的时代背景下,iCAR V23自问世以来便以其非凡的表现赢得了广泛赞誉。如今,面对全球范围内兴起的绿色出行理念,这款历史悠久的车型也顺应潮流推出了全新电动版。通过对车身内外进行全面升级优化,新车不仅继承了前辈们的所有优点,更是在智能化配置等方面实现了质的飞跃。 致敬经典,融入未来 iCAR V23的设计语言是对经典的一次深情致敬,也是对未来的勇敢探索。前脸设计在保留经典 ...