Nkọwa foto, Ndị eze, nze na ọzọ bịara emume Iri Ji Mbaise Iri ji ọhụrụ: Omenaala Igbo agaruola mba Sweden Lee ka e si eri ji ọhụrụ n'Alaigbo Ihe ise na-amasị Nnamdi Kanu ...
underscores a deeply troubling and persistent animos­ity towards the Igbo people. This acrimony, largely stem­ming from the events of the Jan­uary 15, 1966, coup, remains pal­pable even ...
Nke a so n'ihe mere e ji akwanyere ji ugwu nke ukwuu ọkachasị ndị Igbo site n'emume 'Iri ji ọhụrụ'. Gịnị bụ 'Iri ji ọhụrụ'? Ebe foto si, Getty Images Onye ọkammụta n ...
In a historic revelation, 59 years after the 1966 coup, former military leader, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, IBB, has absolved the Igbo ethnic group from any blame for the events that led ...