ruling his War Boys with an iron fist, and barking out put-downs like “Mediocre!” with relish. Now, get ready to ride eternal, shiny and chrome, once more – Immortan Joe is back in Furiosa ...
Immortan Joe stands in for a nightmarish dictatorship. Ruling the Citadel, he stockpiles supplies and water, taking advantage of the desperation among his subjects. He sees women as property, using ...
Immortan Joe rules the Citadel and his fanatical War Boys. The Bullet Farmer makes up the third pole of influence. Having all these places and factions fleshed out is really delicious for those of ...
The plot follows Max, Furiosa, and a heavily customized rig on a thrilling journey against Immortan Joe’s deadly army, the War Boys, who wield heavily customized cars and bikes. How to watch Mad ...
including Immortan Joe, The Organic Mechanic, Bullet Farmer, and more. It wasn't just the characters but the cast that appeared in it that made the film extra special; you don't get to see the God of ...