Taken from Culture and Imperialism, Edward W. Said. The nineteenth century saw immense changes in Africa. Some were driven by famine and disease. Some changes were the result of the territorial ...
After the launch of his latest book, Professor Adekeye Adebajo, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for the Advancement of ...
Even Boaten, who invested enormous energy in efforts to promote the ‘denuclearisation of Africa’, tied the reduction of military spending to ‘saving resources for [economic] development’. But ‘nuclear ...
What he called nuclear imperialism. Nkrumah’s approach arguably became the African approach to nuclear weapons. As a leading member of the Non Aligned Movement, Africa’s participation in the ...
Within the context of Britain's wider political, social and cultural history, the course will examine the following: the origins of the second empire; explorers; liberalism and racism; the expansion ...
He modeled an African theology not beholden to Western Christianity, inaugurating a way of doing theology after imperialism. He was one of the most significant theological voices of his lifetime, not ...
U.S. Energy Secretary Chris Wright has signaled a change that could mean the difference between life and death for millions ...