These are the items that were found in a small fancy wooden chest ... After piecing together some other clues, it became clear that King Tut’s tomb had not been left alone all these years.
A set of humble clay trays and wooden staffs buried alongside King Tutankhamun’s glittering treasures might hold clues to a ...
Tutankhamun's tomb ... was found loaded with treasures. Some of those artifacts, like his death mask, are widely known. But others, such as a mannequin that may have helped the boy king choose ...
The youngest Pharaoh in Ancient Egyptian history who died at the age of just 18, King Tut is for many the most iconic name in ...
Since some aspects of the chamber point to a Queen's burial ground, and historians believe King Tut to be the son of Queen Nefertiti's, her remains may lie in the newly found tomb. Produced by ...
Thutmose II was the fourth ruler of the illustrious ancient Egyptian 18th dynasty, which included Tutankhamun. Now, the location of his long-lost tomb ... These items were not found with Thutmose ...
We find out about King Tutankhamun’s life through the sources that were found in his tomb - the burial mask, the shabti and other items. This provides opportunities for pupils to explore the ...
"Tutankhamun: His Tomb and His Treasures" exhibition coincides with the 130th anniversary of Biltmore Estate’s opening in ...
King Tutankhamun has captivated the world since his tomb was discovered in 1922. Unearthed by British archaeologist Howard Carter, it was the first time a pharaoh's burial chamber had been found ...
The discovery of King ... B.C.E. and the first royal Egyptian tomb to be discovered since that of King Tut more than a century ago. The final resting place was found in the area of the ancient ...
the last king's tomb from the 18th dynasty to be discovered, has been found in the Western Valleys of the Theban Necropolis in Egypt. Thutmose II, an ancestor of Tutankhamun whose tomb was ...
The tomb of ancient Egyptian King Thutmose II has been found, the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities announced. This is the first royal burial chamber to be discovered since 1922, when King ...