Learn how to remove these pests from your closet, pantry, and other areas, according to pest management and cleaning experts.
Teah Smith, an entomologist and pest consultant for Zirkle Fruit Co., said she and her scouts look for apples with codling ...
According to the MSU Extension Office, the first sign of a box tree moth infestation is yellowing. If the plant appears damaged, it should be checked for caterpillars “which are lime green with black ...
Moth-proofing your wardrobe is essential ... Freeze anything you can fit on your freezer shelves; sub-zero temperatures kill larvae, although make sure you put clothes in plastic bags prior ...
Washing and drying clothes won’t reliably kill moth eggs, but moth larvae and eggs can be quickly killed with a high heat. They might still be lurking in your carpets but they won’t survive on ...
The blowfly larvae bodies have evolved to closely resemble those of the termites, the researchers report February 10 in Current Biology. Inside the nest, termites recognize each other through touch, ...
These allow them to kill and eat passing flies and other small insects ... The caterpillars have no gills, but draw in oxygen through their skin. Most moths lay eggs which then become larvae. Image by ...
An invasive pest that chows down on boxwood plants is expanding its range. The quarantine area is being extended to include ...
Both moths have a similar life cycle and infestations can be controlled ... Traditionally chemicals were used to treat clothing, particularly mothballs which emit toxic fumes, kill larvae and prevent ...