How real is the prospect of killer robots annihilating humanity? 20% likely. Wow. Maybe 10%. After 10 years. I mean, you can ...
Musk is capable of anything. Even instilling fear. Because one of his latest statements has caused an impact. The phrase is: "There is a 20% chance that humanity will be annih ...
Robots are part of an exciting new frontier in tech, but here's the challenge: Robots rely on arrays of sensors, external ...
Finding AI’s Blockbuster App Since the public splash around the release of ChatGPT, AI technology has made headlines and captivated the attention of the general public, IT specialists, and investors.
Not all films view artificial intelligence as the "bad guy." Here are five movies about AI that take the robot's side.
Google DeepMind is l aunching two new AI models designed to help robots “perform a wider range of real-world tasks than ever ...
It's worth noting that even though hardware for robot platforms appears to be advancing at a steady pace (well, maybe not always ), creating a capable AI model that can pilot these robots autonomously ...
A company she co-founded has already demonstrated a general-purpose AI robot that can fold laundry, among other tasks. Other researchers have shown AI's potential for improving robots' ability to ...
Gemini Robotics-ER, that researchers can use to train their own models for robotics control, as well as a benchmark called Asimov for gauging risks with AI-powered robots.