Seattle Area Feline Rescue is hosting a March 22 fundraiser called the "Kitten Shower" to support abandoned mother cats and ...
Lunes the brown tabby shorthair is just one of many kittens in Arizona who need your help, especially during "Kitten Season." ...
Little Helix, the kitten, was stranded on an overpass railing before good Samaritans helped him down with an elevating work platform Justine Fisher is an editorial intern at PEOPLE. She began ...
Sue Mackasey, founder of PetitsPawz Cat Refuge, praised the rescue effort ... "Awww she's just a baby herself," one user remarked, referring to the mother cat. "Awww, they're so beautiful!
Alyssa Lyttle from North Carolina is a new mom, and when she noticed her baby's stroller was a bit heavier than usual, she ...
Instinctively, the tiny cat snuggled up to Kelland, and the Good Samaritan took pity on her, wrapping the kitten in his woolly hat and taking her home in his rucksack. He nicknamed the kitten Bramble.