Rare Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant jerseys set to command $20m at auction - The first match-worn jerseys of the two NBA ...
「篮球之神」乔丹(Michael Jordan)职业生涯首件球衣进入拍卖市场,周三以421.5万美元(约新台币1.4亿)落槌,成为史上第五贵的NBA球衣。这件球衣是乔丹在公牛的第一件球衣,背面字样带有覆盖痕迹,且拥有实际照片 ...
Sotheby’s 即将拍卖 Michael Jordan、Kobe Bryant 两人首次出战 NBA 新秀赛时所穿的球衣,Michael Jordan 的球衣在 1984 年 10 月 5 日于季前赛初登场时所穿。
The brand kicked off its year-long celebration of Los Angeles Lakers legend Kobe Bryant last month with a message wishing everyone a "hard year." The campaign's message is for athletes and fans to ...