The Los Angeles Lakers are looking to strengthen their roster as they eye a championship run in the 2025-26 season. Their focus is on Clint Capela, a versatile big man currently with the Atlanta Hawks ...
(洛杉矶综合电)“紫金军团”洛杉矶湖人(Los Angeles Lakers)在新加坡时间星期五(3月14日)早上的美国职业篮球赛(NBA)中,以106比126不敌主场作战的密尔沃基公鹿(Milwaukee Bucks),遭遇三连败。
On March 15th, the Los Angeles Lakers faced the Denver Nuggets in a surprising game that highlighted glaring discrepancies in free throw opportunities. Despite fielding a lineup known as the South Bay ...
(洛杉矶综合电)洛杉矶湖人(LA Lakers)队长詹姆斯(James)新加坡时间星期三(3月5日)在他前无古人的美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)生涯中,又达到了另一个里程碑。在主场大胜新奥尔良鹈鹕(New Orleans Pelicans)的比赛第一节投中一个三分球后,詹姆斯成为了NBA史上首位总得分突破5万分的球员。