Once assembled, [Tim] added LED strips across all the faces and wired ... Do you prefer the mirrored look of the standard disco ball? Peep the tiny one in this Disco Containment Unit.
Use LED lighting LED lights are bright ... flare to the garden without using any electricity,’ says Nick. Disco balls have ...
A dispute about baseball, a supposedly “intelligent game,” led to the murder of a respected member of the community in Lewes. Here's the story.
Music, Movies, and Mania Under the Disco Ball," gay writer Frank DeCaro shares a stunning portrait of the cultural phenomenon that was central to lives of so many, including the LGBTQ community.
Inspiration can strike a maker at any moment. For [Laura Kampf], it happened in the desert when she saw a tumbleweed. Tumbleweeds roll through the western United States, hitting cars on the ...
Emblazoned with a flower-of-life pattern, the colossal disco ball turns as LED lights illuminate it to the beat of the music. It's the cherry on top of an already sweet venue, and the Mission just ...