L.A. rents have risen 0.7% for the first two months of the year, more than double the 0.3% increase for local units a year ...
Landlords in Los Angeles and Orange counties have jacked up rents at more than twice the national rate since the wildfires.
The cost of acquiring a rental in the Los Angeles region following January ... for both local units in the same period in 2024 and hikes seen by renters nationwide at the start of 2025.
California insurance regulators have “provisionally approved” State Farm’s request for a massive rate hike for homeowners ...
The cost of acquiring a rental in the Los Angeles region has increased well ... Significant price hikes have been found near the fire zones. For example, rents in Santa Monica, near the Palisades ...
We did a few stretches to warm up and then set out to explore Los Angeles’ very first park ... Stay tuned for details about our next subscriber hike, which will take place in late spring.