The Punjab government has officially integrated the Punjab E-Filing and Office Automation System (EFOAS) into its governance framework.
But this year Colorado isn't ready as the state's online filing system is down ... the impact the delay is having on just one accounting office, his team brought out those stacks and stacks ...
Where the Punjab government's decision to go paperless through the e-Filing and Office Automation System (E-FOAS) is estimated to save billions of rupees annually, a large number of officers and ...
Kent County’s 63rd District Court is pleased to announce that it will soon join more than 50 courts across Michigan in adopting MiFILE, the statewide electronic filing system sponsored by the Michigan ...
NEWTON COUNTY – In January, the Newton County Superior Court Clerk’s office introduced the Filing Activity Notification System (FANS) in conjunction with the Georgia Superior Court Clerks ...
Judges have been concerned that some legal documents they needed for court weren't being filed in a timely manner.
However, Zarina Kamaluddin is a 54-year-old who has no problems with the e-filing system. The manager said it was very convenient as she did not need to queue up at the LHDN office. “Many years ...