Lots of different sources produce light. Earth's main source of natural light is the Sun. At night, moonlight is created by the moon reflecting the Sun's light. This allows us to see at night ...
These light sources could then be classified into natural light, artificial light or reflectors. Challenge students to identify all of the light sources in their classroom and classify these in ...
Architecture, which for millenniums was dependent on natural sources of light, has in the past century increasingly turned to artificial sources. In the long run it must perfect the integrated use ...
You are currently logged out. Please sign in to download the issue PDF. Architecture, which for millenniums was dependent on natural sources of light, has in the past ...
The split floor plan can also help to improve access and natural light and increase both interior and exterior space.
Lasers, LEDs and light sources are devices that create light. LEDs (light emitting diodes) convert an electrical current into light using spontaneous emission in optically active semiconductors.