After a century of decreased sightings, reports of a long-necked water monster the size of a hippopotamus are once again ...
Kids of all ages (and I include adults here) are fascinated by dinosaurs that break records for the biggest, the longest, the ...
To the best of our knowledge, all the southern African dinosaur tracks known until now are from the ... structures had been ...
Palaeontologists are captivated by the size of record-breaking dinosaurs worldwide. Through measuring bone proportions and ...
A retired professor from Western University and his collaborators have identified footprints of dinosaurs in South Africa that date back to the Cretaceous period. The 140-million-year-old tracks ...
Scientists have discovered South Africa’s youngest known dinosaur tracks along the remote coastline of the Western Cape. The newly identified footprints, estimated to be around 140 million years old, ...
Or could a few of them, somehow, have survived that mass extinction event — with their descendants living even today? It is exciting to imagine that gigantic dinosaurs are still rumbling and ...
To the best of our knowledge, all the southern African dinosaur tracks known until now ... to origins such as earthquakes rather than living organisms. Since then, however, scientists have ...