Hard-wired for social connection, humans traditionally have lived in multi-generational groups in which older people, after raising their children and helping with grandchildren, would be cared for by ...
Coupled with the physical limitations and health issues that often prevent older people from getting out, this situation is a recipe for isolation, which can lead to loneliness. In turn ...
IT might not sound like something you would book an appointment with your GP about. But loneliness is an early warning sign of potential health problems to come, like heart disease, stroke, ...
Help Register Login Login Hi, %{firstName}% Hi, %{firstName}% Games Car rental Older adults often report feeling lonely and ...
A new study finds that loneliness may increase certain proteins in the brain that increase your risk for disease and death.
People who experienced loneliness and poor sleep quality were more likely to have depressive symptoms than individuals who ...
The Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) is helping lonely elderly people in 23 regions and the capital of Ukraine.
People who move abroad after retiring are more likely to feel lonely, warns a new study. Loneliness can be a "black spot in ...