Lorentz Force Propeller (ab. LFP) utilize the characteristic that radiation magnetic field independently exists. The carrier of the moving electrically charged particles and the device generating the ...
This chapter discusses recent advancements in the design of vibrating Lorentz force magnetometers. A magnetometer is a sensor designed to measure the magnetic field surrounding the instrument, ...
Abstract: Restricted by the shapes of utilized resonance structures, conventional Lorentz-force micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) magnetometers are rarely designed with the multiturn coil layout ...
These are forced into a spiral path using a perpendicular magnetic field. This is a result of the Lorentz force. A simple pair of magnets external to the tube is all that is needed for that.
The chapter demonstrates a method, other than the method of virtual work, for the computation of Lorentz force. It also demonstrates the calculation of magnetic volume forces on permeable particles.
Abstract: This chapter first deals with derivation of continuity equation and Lorentz force, and a derivation of Maxwell's equations from the electromagnetic field is carried out. Finally, a ...
The theory is developed in successive steps from the Lorentz force, the integral form of Maxwell's equations in free space, and suitable macroscopic models of polarized and magnetized matter. It ...
The now high velocity charged particles interact with the greatly increased magnetic field strength by way of the Lorentz Force given by the vector cross product equation (Lorentz Force = Velocity x ...
Still, we will focus on the most relevant forces for electron/proton/ion particles: the Lorentz force and radiation reaction force. The equations for charged particle motion can be easily explored ...
Preserving ∇ · B = 0 at the discretized level is necessary to maintain the orthogonality between the Lorentz force and B. The possibility of performing CT on a moving mesh provides several advantages ...