苹果MacBook Air采用了强大的M1芯片,确保你在处理高负载任务时也能流畅无阻。它还拥有256GB固态硬盘和8GB内存,满足你日常办公的需求。屏幕分辨率高达1600x600像素,图像清晰细腻。电池续航能力也相当出色,最长可达15小时,在没有充电的情况下可以轻松使用一整天。
此次新款 MacBook Air是 Apple 首款再生材料占比达 50% 的产品。屏幕配备13.6 英寸Liquid 视网膜显示屏,亮度最高达 500 尼特,并支持 10 亿色彩,同时拥有同尺寸 笔记本 ...
2025年01月28日 20:31中关村在线 ...
Apple will be releasing the M4 MacBook Air soon, providing the most compelling upgrade opportunity yet for owners of the M1 model.
新款MacBookAir2024在京东有活动优惠,价格降至5332元!现在购买可以享受八折优惠,这是非常难得的折扣机会。这款笔记本电脑配备了M3芯片,采用了8核中央处理器和16核神经网络引擎,性能强劲。不仅如此,它还拥有轻薄 ...
When Apple announced the M3 MacBook Air, the company also discontinued the M1-powered model. That shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, of course, since the M1 MacBook Air was released over four ...
性能表现 MacBook Air:搭载 M1、M2、M3 等基础版自研芯片,对于日常办公场景,如使用 Word、Excel、PowerPoint ...
For instance, sometimes "Pro" means it's the most powerful option (like with iPhones), but sometimes there's an even more ...
First is the oldest MacBook Air that’s still sold. That would be the M1 MacBook Air that currently goes for $649 (regular $699) from Walmart. If you’re buying a MacBook Air that’s older than ...
including both the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro, but also in terms of what sort of chip you want to run, starting with the slightly older M1 chip which is harder to find, to the higher-end M3 chip.
Resolve the “USB Accessories Disabled” error on your Mac with these 11 effective fixes. Improve connectivity, manage power ...