The great argus was named after the “hundred-eyed giant in Greek mythology ” because of the “intricate eye-like patterns on ...
Raggiana – Bird-of-paradise Paradisaea raggiana Order – Family: Passeriformes – Paradisaeidae Physical Description: These ...
Rene Martin / American Museum of Natural History Male birds-of-paradise have a lot of tools in their arsenal for attracting potential mates: bright feathers, elaborate dances and, according to new ...
but every bird needs a place to find food, water, shelter, and mates. Once a male bird has successfully set up a home, he can ...
Birds-of-paradise are known for their bright colours and courtship displays. Now, it turns out that many species also have body parts that fluoresce ...
A female eclectus parrot casts a quizzical look at the camera. Although most male birds are flashier than their female counterparts, the female eclectus flaunts cherry red plumage and the male ...