换个角度来看,DeepSeek更像是AI领域的基础设施,如同电力革命中的发电机,它在大模型等底层技术方面有着深厚的积累与创新,为众多AI应用提供了基础支撑。而Manus聚焦的则是电视、冰箱之类的“电器”,它基于大模型侧重于向应用层面做进一步探索,是在单个场景下的GPT Agent进行“缝合”,直接面向用户提供能够执行复杂任务、交付完整成果的服务。
Just as the dust begins to settle on DeepSeek, another breakthrough from a Chinese startup has taken the internet by storm.
Manus爆火,互动平台关联问题猛增,概念股被深挖。 Manus的横空出世,瞬间引爆网络。 这款由华人团队Monica.im打造的AI工具,据说在GAIA基准测试中超越了OpenAI和DeepSeek等竞品。 还有媒体报道,某二手交易平台上所谓Manus邀请码价格最高被炒至数万元。这也引来Manus ...
Manus是AI圈这几天最热闹的话题。一个名不见经传的小团队做的一个AI智能体产品,仅凭为数不多的邀请码,就在国内社交媒体上掀起了巨大争议 ...
Manus AI isn’t a breakthrough—it’s just another LLM executing scripted workflows. True AI success lies in integration, ...
Manus discusses a variety of perspectives in extreme detail and depth. Everything from multi-stakeholder views and global ...
自从发布以来,Manus 经过了一个堪比过山车的传播历程。 从一开始的惊艳,到被加速捧至高点,再到遭受套壳、营销的批评,一切都发生在短短一周 ...
Manus, an AI agent generally considered more advanced than a chatbot, can do everything from analysing the stock market to ...
In a late-night announcement on Wednesday, China unveiled Manus, a general-purpose artificial intelligence agent, claiming it ...