从规格和功能来看,这款升级后的紧凑型电脑非常适合多种任务,无论是运行Linux系统、充当Plex服务器,甚至是流畅运行Windows 11系统都不在话下。
When it starts taking scientific data in 2028, the Square Kilometre Array Observatory promises to be the world’s largest and ...
IT之家 2 月 3 日消息,南非射电天文台近日宣布,一个国际研究团队利用南非 MeerKAT 射电望远镜发现了一个大小相当于银河系 32 倍多的巨型星系。
The newest generation of radio telescopes—including the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) and MeerKAT, a ...
Behold the mysterious objects populating the "low surface brightness universe" that the latest radio telescopes are beginning ...