Instead of the 10 Nova Scotians who regularly view and rate films coming to Nova Scotia for public viewing, film, video and video game distributors will rate their own products. "Clearly the act ...
The mystery of how the hallucinogenic drug PCP was used to secretly spike lobster chowder on the Nova Scotia set of the 1997 blockbuster movie Titanic might be closer to being solved. Whoever ...
HALIFAX — Darrell Maxwell has fond memories of growing up next to the scenic golf course in the heart of the central Nova Scotia town ... the last 50 years. The film is the brainchild of Gavin ...
There has to be a new spin on how to entice tourists to our poverty stricken province of Nova Scotia. This film animation develops a landscape that any death wish would appreciate.
On Friday morning we reopened The Knox Office, my regular film column on CBC Information Morning in Nova Scotia. I spoke with ...
An inspiring 75min DIY documentary film on new art and the young artists behind it. It was all filmed on the heat of live action of the first NOVA Contemporary Culture Festival, July and August ...