随着摄影爱好者的期待日渐高涨,尼康公司传出喜讯:尼康Nikkor Z 35mm f1.2镜头将在本周三正式发布。这款镜头自从传闻以来,便吸引了众多摄影师、博主和创作者的目光,期待它带来的全新体验与视觉盛宴。
在摄影界,宁静的期待往往是最动人的乐章,而这一次,尼康的最新力作——Nikkor Z 35mm f1.2镜头——似乎即将向我们揭开神秘面纱。根据可靠传闻,这款新镜头将在本周三前后正式发布,引发了无数摄影师和爱好者的热切关注。
Announced before Kina 2010, this new lens was eagerly awaited by photographers with Full Frame cameras who had to content themselves with the aged AF 35mm f2.0D for too long. Indeed, the cheap pretty ...
Nikon’s completely redesigned full frame 11-element 35mm f1.8 replaces the lightweight and compact film-era 6-element AF Nikkor 35mm f2D version. Increasingly common now with modern lenses designs, ...