Nitrogen on periodic table of the elements. Do you remember how many elements there are in the periodic table? Spoiler: it’s probably different than you remember if you went to school before 2010.
Keeping up with the neighbours is rarely a concern in the periodic table. Nitrogen doesn't care much what carbon and oxygen are up to, and rarely casts covetous glances at phosphorous. But there's at ...
If it has 7 protons, that’s nitrogen. But the logic of the periodic table also relies upon the number and organisation of electrons in an atom. Let’s take chlorine as an example. It is ...
Look at electron configuration of nitrogen v. phosphorous (image of box/arrow diagrams ... Learning outcome: using the Periodic Table to explore underlying electron structre to explain observations.
You interact with about two-thirds of the elements of the periodic table every day. Some, like carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen, make up our bodies and the air we breathe. Yet there is also a class of ...