For over two decades, open-access databases like GenBank and the Protein Data Bank (PDB) have been instrumental in helping biologists translate gene and protein sequences into biological relevance.
OpenAlex offers an open-access alternative to these bibliometric databases. Piero Carninci, a geneticist at the Human Technopole in Milan, Italy, wants other countries to create more alternative ...
Open access (OA) is shaping the future of scholarly publishing, and we are doing all we can to build an open future that works for everyone. This includes developing services that will help you – ...
Yes. Choosing to publish open access is easy and straightforward – and it is possible in every Royal Society of Chemistry journal. It refers to the free, permanent, and unrestricted online access to ...
Close the Database. Then click Open in the backstage view. Click Browse to look for the file you want to protect. An Open dialog box will open. Choose the protected Access file, then click the ...
Welcome to Smithsonian Open Access, where you can download, share, and reuse millions of the Smithsonian’s images—right now, without asking. With new platforms and tools, you have easier access to ...
The library has collect here tips how to locate and access open access resources. Open ac­cess re­sources in Helka data­base You can search open access resources in Helka database by choosing 'Open ...
Locate the file that you exported to Excel and open it (It is an Excel File). Can you copy an Access database? Yes, you can copy an Access database to another folder. Open the folder that contains ...
The recently updated, open-access FCCmigex database now compiles information on 5,294 food contact chemicals from packaging and other food contact articles across 1,500 scientific studies. Latest ...
FRED is an open-access database, meaning anyone—from experienced paleontologists to amateur fossil fanatics—can access and contribute to the resource. Interesting Engineering reports that four ...