The Opera House will turn 100 shortly after the end of the 2026 winter season, which will include some old favorites and a ...
The Los Angeles Opera dropped a contemplated world premiere for the second straight season in a cost-cutting move, and Missy ...
从界面角度来看,Opera Air 采用了斯堪的纳维亚极简设计,并融入了一种磨砂玻璃的用户界面色调,营造出一种宁静的浏览环境。这样的设计不仅符合现代用户的审美,也大大减少了因色彩与音响刺激带来的压力,帮助用户在忙碌的工作中创造出一种身心合一的体验。
总之,Opera Air作为一款集创新与健康理念于一体的浏览器,将极大提升用户的上网体验。我们鼓励每个用户以开放的心态体验新技术,赋予心理健康以关注和行动。如果你正在寻找既能帮助你在繁忙的工作中保持清醒,又能在疲惫间隙弹出的片刻恬静的工具,Opera ...
A regular university performance turned into a breathtaking spectacle when two incredible opera singers unexpectedly joined ...
Opera 表示,该浏览器旨在在引入这些健康功能的同时,保持其核心功能,并且不会干扰用户的使用。用户可以在使用“Focused Calm”(专注平静)增强功能(使用 Alpha 8Hz 节拍结合自然声音来促进注意力集中)等功能的同时继续浏览或工作。
Director Elizabeth Dinkova flips the script on Salome by ensuring that the audience sees more of the male body than the ...
Seattle Opera will present a "Magic Flute" that mixes live performance with projected animations, turning singers into living parts of a cinematic spectacle.
A judge has dismissed a lawsuit by an acclaimed opera singer who sued the University of Michigan over his firing for what the ...
周三,Piper Sandler对Opera Limited(NASDAQ: ...