The optic chiasm is an X-shaped structure formed by the crossing of the optic nerves in the brain. The optic nerve connects the brain to the eye. To biologists, the optic chiasm is thought to be a ...
Logotype Optic Chiasm icon in vector. Logotype Optic Chiasm icon in vector. Logotype optic chiasm stock illustrations Optic Chiasm icon in vector. Logotype Illustration of brain anatomy and pituitary ...
Chiasma公司简介。此公司档案包括Chiasma(CHMA)公司所处行业,业务概况,地址,联系方式,官网和高管档案资料。 Chiasma Inc是一家生物制药公司。该公司开发和销售只能通过注射治疗的口服制剂。通过瞬态渗透增强剂(TPE)技术平台,该公司正在开发口服治疗药物 ...
Tuberculous meningitis This is a coronal section through the optic chiasma and hippocampus in a patient who was HIV-positive. The leptomeninges are thickened by a grey exudate, which is especially ...