Fires and agricultural soils can rival cars and factories in emitting chemicals that lead to ozone, making it hard to meet air quality standards.
In 1985, scientists discovered a seasonal hole in the Antarctic ozone layer. This protective layer shields Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation. The sudden depletion raised global concerns, as ...
While scientists have observed signs of ozone recovery in the past, this new study is the first to show – with high statistical confidence – that this healing is primary due to a reduction in the use ...
Researchers with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration claim that if you can smell food cooking, it’s probably ...
The ozone season in Dallas-Fort Worth lasts most of the year hotter weather can have an impact on ground-level ozone and the air quality.
In a pinch you can even use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer ... In his latest video, [Jay Bowles] proposes a novel concept: using the ozone generated by high-voltage corona discharge for rapid ...
An MIT-led study confirms the Antarctic ozone layer is healing as a direct result of global efforts to reduce ozone-depleting substances.
While the recovery of the ozone hole has been documented for a few years now, the MIT researchers used a new quantitative ...
The ozone layer, which protects life on Earth from ... This scenario is often used to explore the potential impacts of a "business-as-usual" approach to climate change. The results reveal that ...